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L'art comme stratégie
Art Consultant

Art and Life
Today's world, the ordinary, is in default of art, it inevitably lacks what only the art world can provide, an added value.
We want art to once again become the protagonist in our worlds, capable of creating an emotional atmosphere that finds its expression in a growing aesthetic of existence.
Our work and our approach advocate a specific way of understanding art and selecting works. Works that have a lot to offer to the contemporary world.
Working towards the great heritage of universal culture with respect for differences, everything that in our eyes deserves to be seen, collected and cherished in this age, illustrating and reflecting our culture.
Quallia answer is a synergy of personalised services to put new imaginaries, new realities into perspective and to spark a culture shift.
We will help you in co-creating spaces of renewal, and interconnectedness with our skills and discerning eye on current events and tomorrow’s leading trends.
As Art consultant and creative strategist for the hospitality sector and private companies, we build news stories with a language emcompassing all aspects of visual communication :
The language of Art.
"No object is mysterious.
The mistery is your eye."
Elizabeth Bowen

Art Consulting Project
Quallia Key Principles

14 avenue de Lyon, 06400 CANNES
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